Monday, October 19, 2015

It's been a quiet week here in Rego Park.

To borrow from Garrison Keillor, It's been a quiet week here in Rego Park. 

Actually it has been a good week. Thursday I couldn't seem to get one call/problem finished before two more were calling/texting in, but I love it. I can't believe it's been two whole weeks since I arrived. 

I've dealt with depression, dislocated finger, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, colds, knee/foot pains, rashes.... Need I go on. It is interesting and I very much enjoy the interaction with the missionaries. They are so grateful for anything I do or say. 

I am trying to get out to each zone, there are 11 of them, with handouts about self care for colds and instructions to go get flu vaccine. There are 6 zones meeting next Friday so I'm afraid I won't make it to all of them in person. I'll have to send the handouts to the zone leaders to distribute. 

I want to introduce myself and give them a little talk. I want them to appreciate what miracles our bodies are and maybe take better care of themselves. 

Here is an excerpt:

"We hang out with our own bodies all the time - so we tend to take them for granted. But if you stop and think about everything your body does, you just might consider how great it is (and you are). All the time your body’s doing a million things that you’re not even aware of.

Think of a large symphony orchestra producing the works of Mozart or Beethoven. It all begins with the individual playing his part. This is much like how our body operates with its 11 systems working in concert. Like digesting breakfast, growing new skin, and carrying oxygen to cells from head to toe and ear to ear!  Consider our eye construction, our skeleton, our ability to hear the faintest sound, our brain’s amazing circuitry. The human body is a gift and a testament to our Creator’s love and intelligence."

I walk every morning still. It has been nice weather here. There is a crisp, chilly wind today. Even had to wear a jacket when I went out this afternoon to get milk. I love fall! 
Last rose of summer just outside my front door.
The walking everywhere is nice too!
Park I walk in sometimes.
Streets I cross.
House for sale/rent across the street.
 The clouds were especially nice tonight at dusk. 
I even took time for a pedicure. They have you put your toes under a fan and lights to dry the polish.
My attempt at fall decorating.
I am so blessed to be here. I miss my family and friends but I know that I am here on this mission for a purpose. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. This church is the true church on earth today. Our prophet guides us. Our Savior loves us and provides a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. 

I love you all who read this.


  1. Oh, it sounds like a busy and interesting job for you. I hope those missionaries appreciate it. I wish we would have had some one like you for my boys. It was the mission mom who took care of parasites and food poisoning in Brazil, and in Texas my T1D boy was on his own, hadn't even had diabetes for a year yet. I'm glad he survived.

  2. It's great to read about your week. My daughter in law said there was a Pulsiper boy in that mission she has a connection with.

  3. It's great to read about your week. My daughter in law said there was a Pulsiper boy in that mission she has a connection with.

  4. I love hearing about your week. You are wonderful and a great asset to your mission.
