Monday, June 26, 2023

I went to the temple

The missionaries have the blessing of going to the temple once a quarter.  This week we all went to the temple.  The missionaries in the southern part of the mission go to the Medford Temple.  In the northern zones, we go to Portland to the temple there.  The mission has a van but it won’t carry everyone so those of us that can help with transportation get to enjoy that opportunity.  Wednesday morning I drove to Corvallis to pick up the three sisters in that zone.  We then drove to the temple.  

It was a wonderful experience.  I love going to the temple anytime but it was a special blessing to be with the missionaries.  The spirit was strong.   

Before heading home, we walked around the temple and took pictures. 

Sisters Mead, Jones, and Wood

The whole Corvallis Zone

When we arrived back in Corvallis, the sisters and I went to lunch before I returned to Eugene.  We ate at a Hawaiian restaurant but I didn’t get pictures there.

Monday morning we have an office meeting with the Mission President and his wife.  This was the last Monday morning meeting for us with President and Sister Weekes.  We will be getting a new President this Tuesday, June 27.  

Elder and Sister Crump, President and Sister Weekes, Elder and Sister Klaass

Monday evening, Elder and Sister Klaass and Elder and Sister Crump came over and we played games.  Fun evening of laughter and friendship. 

I didn’t take a lot of pictures on my morning walks this week but here are a few.

This is a catalpa tree. When I was a little girl, we would go to Pocatello, ID to visit my grandparents.  They had a long driveway lined on one side with large catalpa trees. Seeing this tree triggered memories of playing in the yard and picking up the long bean like fruit growing on them. Of course I only played with them after they fell to the ground but they made good weapons. LOL

In this close-up you can see the fruit. Most Catalpa are deciduous trees; they typically grow to 40–60 ft tall, with branches spreading to a diameter of about 20–40 ft. Catalpa species bear broad panicles of showy flowers, generally in summer. The flower color generally is white to yellow. In late summer or autumn the fruit appear; they are siliques about 8–20 in long, full of small flat seeds, each with two thin wings to aid in wind dispersal.

This tree has more blossoms

St John’s Wort

Thursday I manned the office by myself.  The Klaass’s and Crump’s were on their temple excursion.  There are almost always missionaries in the office so I wasn’t totally alone.  

On Saturday evening, my daughter Deanne and Jeff, her husband, along with their two children, Rory and Cody, came to visit me.  It was so fun to get their hugs and to see them.   Sunday after church, the kids and I took a walk around my neighborhood.  

We saw quite a few turkeys.  It appears that Cody has a turkey on his head.

This deer is resting in the shade

Rory had to rest for a minute in a shady place.  It was on the warm side!

Then we went as a family to a park where the kids could play for a while.  We stopped at the rose garden so Rory could take pictures of all of the beautiful flowers.  

It has been a busy week.  There have been three missionaries with shoulder/leg/neck injuries or pains and some other ills that have required doctor visits so I’ve spent some time coordinating and finding doctors to help us.  The missionaries schedule their own appointments but I send them the information to make those calls.  Then there is the follow up on the doctor visits and other missionaries to make sure they are healing and getting well.  I love being busy and getting reports that health is improving.

I had a personal experience this week that made me realize even more that our Heavenly Father knows each of us and watches over us.  I pray daily that I will be guided to know how to help the missionaries with their health and to be aware of the needs of those around me.  I had received a call quite late one night and did not make a note on paper or my phone.  I thought I’ll remember to call in the morning to get the needs of the missionary met.  It was not until I was praying two days later that the name of the missionary I was to have helped came to my mind.  I had forgotten to do what I needed to do and the Spirit gently reminded me.  My prayers were answered in a way that let me know that the Lord knew that missionary needed attention and I was reminded.  

I know that the Lord loves each of us.  He wants us to progress, to be well, and to be happy.  I am so honored to be able to work with and to try to help the missionaries but I testify that it is through the guidance of the Spirit as I am reminded of the things I need to know to do my work.  I often remember something I learned years ago in training that will help me to help a missionary or teach that missionary.  I know these thoughts/memories would not come to mind without a prompting.  It’s been a LONG time since I was in nursing school.

I hope that this coming week will be good for you.  

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

It’s the little things

It’s a fun thing when you get a text Sunday evening to let you know that your really close friends are coming to take you to lunch the next day!! 

 I served with Diane and Marc Williams in New York on my first mission.  We had so much fun there and so it is always a delight when I get to be with them to remember the “good ol’ days”.

It has been a steadily busy week.  Nothing overwhelming but not a lot of down time either.   Seasonal allergies seem to be under control for the most part so it is the usual upset stomachs and muscle pains/injuries.  Other stuff I can’t mention (HIPPA)

I got this cute pic from two sweet sisters.  I love the missionaries!!

On Friday, I helped Sister Klaass and Elder Crump and 6 elders clean out an apartment that is no longer going to be used.  It is good to feel needed and useful.  

Saturday I went with my friend, Diana, to the farmer’s market in downtown Eugene, to Costco to order glasses for Diana, and to lunch at Jung’s Mongolian Grill.  Good day and good food!

My morning walks always make me happy.  One morning as I came close to the end of my journey, I felt a small pebble in my shoe.  I thought I would ignore it as I didn’t feel I had the time to find a place to sit down and take off my shoe.  I tried to ignore it but it seemed to get larger and more annoying.  I finally stopped and removed the nuisance.  It was so miniscule that I had to laugh that such a tiny thing could be so annoying. 

As I continued to walk, I began to think of that tiny pebble and how sometimes I let little things bother me, yet I don’t take the time to fix them.  For example, I often can’t find something that I know I have “put away” for safe keeping. I realize that if I would take some time and organize a better filing system for important documents, etc, it would save me time and stress/anxiety in the future.  Just as the little pebble annoyed me for 30 minutes, it really only took a couple of minutes to remove it and then I could happily go on my way.  Does that make sense?  

All too often I get caught up in the moment not thinking of the future.  Keeping the goal or the big picture in mind would help me to be more prepared and ready for whatever comes my way.  The “little things” can pile up until they get in the way of progress.  Now I’m rambling.  Oh well.

Here are some pics from my morning meanderings.

I hadn’t seen the turkeys around my apartment for a month or so but these
two showed up Saturday evening.  Good to see them again.

I pray that you will have a happy and healthy week ahead.

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.

Here’s a giggle for you


Monday, June 12, 2023

Family is everything!

A few things have happened this week that have made me realize even more than ever how much I love and value my family.   Whenever I see my family interact and support one another and when I feel and know how much they love and support me, I realize how my Heavenly Father has blessed me with wonderful spirits to make my life better.

Reminds me of a quote I once read by Michael J. Fox:  “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” 

Elder M. Russell Ballard said:  “Indeed, nothing is more critically connected to happiness—both our own and that of our children—than how well we love and support one another within the family.”

I am far from perfect and my family members are not perfect either but I value the way they work perfectly together to make our family better in every way.

I could go on endlessly except I lack the words to appropriately express my love and gratitude to and for my family.  When my husband was most ill, and for several months before he died, my family took care of both of us.  

For example, I have seven children and as there are seven days in the week, they each chose a day and came to our home and prepared or brought food not just for me and my husband but for all of the family.   As many as could join us came for dinner every night so we could be together during this difficult time.

Today, if anyone in the family is struggling, needs help with a project, wants to get together for a meal or a party or just to talk, everyone rallies.  I could fill volumes telling stories of giving and sharing.


There have been additions to the family since this picture from 2019 but this is the most complete I have at this time

I want to share a poem I like:

There’s a special kind of closeness
that only families know,
That begins with childhood trust
and deepens as you grow.

There’s a special kind of happiness
in sharing little things,
The laughter, smiles, and quiet talks
that daily living brings.

There’s a special kind of comfort
in knowing your family’s there,
To back you up, to cheer you up
to understand and care.

Of all the treasures life may bring,
your family means the most,
And whether near or far apart,
That love will hold you close.

—Glenda Campbell

It has been another busy week.  Seasonal allergies still run rampant.   A couple of people have had a run-in with poison ivy/oak.  A fall down a hill resulting in a painful knee cap. And more….. It goes on.  Interacting with the missionaries via texting, calls, or in person is a blessing to me.

My morning walks continue to start my days in the best way possible.

I walked south along the river Wednesday morning and found this interesting piece of art work

Wednesday I discovered these two bucks just outside my bedroom window.  Had to get pic through the screen.  

One is standing and the other is lying down

Friday evening I went to dinner with Sister Klaass.  Her husband had to fly home to take care of some family business.  After dinner we played some games.  Fun evening. 

Saturday morning I walked with Sister and Elder Crump.

Turkey family

Saturday afternoon Diana picked me up and we went for ice cream at Salt and Straw and then for tacos.  It is always best to have dessert first.

Peanut butter- toffee brittle and chocolate chunk on top.  Strawberry- honey- balsamic and black pepper on the bottom in a waffle cone.

My neighbor has a feeder just outside by her deck.  I can watch the birds feed from my window and deck door.   My brother, John, tells me that the yellow finch is an American gold finch

I saw these alstroemeria at the store and it reminded me of the flowers I used to get and enjoy when I was in New Zealand.  Had to have a bouquet for my table.  Way to spoil myself!!!

I pray that you are well and happy.  

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.