Monday, July 10, 2023

4th of July Celebration went off with a BANG!

I walked with Sister Crump Tuesday morning and then we went back to her apartment and ate breakfast that Elder Crump had prepared for us. 

That evening, I went with Sister and Elder Klaass to a 4th of July festival in Springfield which is a neighboring town across the river.  We walked along looking at the vendors, petting zoo, music groups, and food trucks.  The Klaass’s had a Hawaiian teriyaki chicken bowl.  I opted for a pulled pork sandwich.

We watched the Abba Cadabra concert.  This musical group is the “Ultimate ABBA Tribute” 

The park was jam-packed with people.  We scooted into a small spot to watch the fireworks which was a little behind some trees over the river but never-the-less was loud and colorful.   Make me feel like a kid again.

It has been a pretty normal week after the festivities of Tuesday.  Had a few medical problems to help with but nothing too major other than a fractured wrist with a bike accident.  All is well and will heal with time.  

Wednesday morning I changed up my walk a bit and walked the hills of my neighborhood.  The moon was still big and bright.

I have told the sister missionaries a story about my NYC Mission and how my apartment was a stop-over for many things (I encouraged these stop overs) but often to use the toilet.  I began joking with the sisters when they would ask if they could use my bathroom that I only charged a quarter and they could leave it on the sink.   One day I went in there and found 4-5 quarters lying on the sink.  It gave me a giggle!

It had been a while since I had shared that story but Wednesday, Sister Crouch came into my office and gave me a big hug.  We chatted for a minute and as she walked out, she tossed a quarter on my desk.  It made me laugh but also made me near tears because it touched my heart to know that she had liked my story and let me know it in this way.  To top it off, as she left the main office for the day a couple of hours later, she again tossed another quarter onto my desk.  It absolutely made my day!!!

Thursday was Sister West’s birthday so her companion brought cake to the office to share with the social media missionaries and seniors working in the office.  Of course I got a slice of cake too.  Always a blast to be with the missionaries.

I was served my very own piece of cake by Sister Sutherland

Great group of missionaries

Sister Sutherland and I, as I’ve mentioned before, either often appear in the office in polka dots or similar colors.  Thursday it was green day.  I had to tease her a bit with my grouchy face when she asked if we could get a picture.  I am soon going to have to make this a Petersen/Sutherland blog.  LOL

Friday  evening I had a dinner date with four sisters.  We ate a Mucho Gusto which is a Mexican food restaurant similar to Café Rio.  Fun evening.

Sisters Sutherland, Eastman, Palmer, and Cummings

Saturday morning I walked with Sister and Elder Crump along Amazon Creek through the wetland area.    I did a load of laundry and then Sister Cornelius called to invite me to go for a ride with them to visit the senior missionaries who oversee Camp Alpine which is a Church camp for young women, scouts, wards, stakes or even individual family outings.  It is about an hour drive from Eugene.  

President and Sister Cornelius are new here so they are trying to get to know the missionaries in the mission.  It was a pleasant outing for me and gave me the opportunity to get better acquainted with them.

Elder and Sister Talanoa, President and Sister Cornelius, Sister and Elder Asay

Saturday evening I went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with three sisters.  Always a delight to be with the missionaries and to get to know them and share in their experiences.

Sisters Stohl, Jeffords, Hadfield 

As I reflected today on the week, I thought of a message that one of our missionaries, Elder Canyon Zwemke, posted on our Mission Messenger Page.  It was touching to me so I asked him if I could share it here on my blog.   

“Not long ago my friend Milton D. Oilar gave an awesome speech for the 4th of July! 

The 4th is a super special day where we're reminded of the freedoms that we get to enjoy every single day as Americans! However, as I'm sure you've heard, freedom isn't free. More often than not, freedom requires a large sacrifice from someone or something to achieve.

Through the sacrifice of brave men and women willing to die for the freedom of themselves and family, America came to be. This is similar to another who wasn't afraid to die for a good cause.

Jesus Christ was willing to lay down His life to provide freedom for a cause even bigger than the colonist's independence. He suffered, died and rose again to provide everyone who will ever live freedom from the pains of sin and the bands of death.

John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

As we remember those who sacrificed so much to give us all the freedoms we enjoy, let us remember our Savior, who won the greatest fight but never raised a weapon. I know because of Him, there's no trial or obstacle in life that we can't overcome through the greatest love that ever was!”

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends

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