Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Understanding justice and mercy.

This has been another busy week.  I have been to doctor and dental appointments 5 of the seven days and I helped 2 missionaries get COVID testing and physical examinations in preparation to return to their homelands.  I am not complaining.  I love being with the missionaries.  I know that you must grow weary of my repetition but…

On a couple of days, I had morning and afternoon appointments so with driving time, waiting time, etc, I spent a lot of time sitting.  Good thing I get my beach walks.

As I was waiting at a stop light, I noticed this pohutukawa tree and its huge air roots

Of course there are the usual “chores” that need to be done. I did manage laundry, a little cleaning and grocery shopping.

I went to dinner on Thursday evening with Sister Lucas and Elder and Sister Burton who are in the office.  Great evening.  I splurged (calorically) and had fish and chips and then ice cream at Movenpick’s.  I was so caught up in the pleasure of the company and food that I neglected to get pictures.  Next time.

Saturday evening I was invited for cake and ice cream to celebrate the birthday of my friend, Elder Carter Mayberry who is the area medical advisor.  His wife made the most delicious dark chocolate cake! With the others invited, I played games and had a delightful time.


This week as I studied the Come Follow Me chapters in the Book of Mormon, I again received a confirmation of my testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior.  I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation and my opportunity to come to this earth to gain a physical body and to experience this mortal life.  I am grateful for the mercy of God and for the Savior who atoned for my sins providing a way for me to return to God’s presence.  

Sometimes it is difficult to fully comprehend all of the intricacies of the Gospel, yet it is so simple.  Justice and mercy, for example, can be difficult to reconcile.

In our Sunday Gospel Doctrine class, the teacher referred to a conference address given by Elder Boyd K Packer in April 1997 titled The Mediator.  This speech makes understanding justice and mercy with Jesus Christ as the mediator so beautiful.  I would invite you to read it.

Our instructor told of a video based on Elder Packer’s speech.   I watched it when I returned to my flat.  The technology is not as good as the videos we have today, but the message is one of importance.

Here is a quote from Elder Packer’s speech that I like and find comforting:

“There is a Redeemer, a Mediator, who stands both willing and able to appease the demands of justice and extend mercy to those who are penitent, for “He offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.” (2 Ne. 2:7.) 
Already He has accomplished the redemption of all mankind from mortal death; resurrection is extended to all without condition. 
He also makes possible redemption from the second death, which is the spiritual death, which is separation from the presence of our Heavenly Father. This redemption can come only to those who are clean, for no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God. 
If justice decrees that we are not eligible because of our transgression, mercy provides a probation, a penitence, a preparation to enter in.” 
I know that my Savior lives and that He loves us.  He wants us to be happy and has made a way for us to achieve that state of happiness.
I encourage you to read the entire talk by Elder Packer.

On Monday I went to the office to meet with one of the sisters returning to her home in Tonga.  I wanted a goodbye hug.  What a bitter sweet opportunity to know these wonderful young people; sweet in knowing and feeling their spirits and bitter in telling them goodbye.

Sister Taulanga going home to Tonga

Sister Hall went home last week

The office is a busy place on Mondays which is
the missionaries Preparation Day (Day “off” for play and shopping)

Of course, I’ve had my daily dose of vitamin sea. 

On Tuesday the tide was out so far that we could walk around 3 outcroppings onto beaches we have never walked before.

We walked around one outcropping to see this layered shell covered sandstone wall

Wednesday morning pink sky

I like this big shell stuck on the rock

Today, the tide was so high that we had to walk along the street for several blocks before going down to the portion of the beach that wasn’t buried in water.  

Sister Lucas

It has been raining a lot this week so the flowers and trees are beginning to blossom.

There is something about a rock wall…..

Monday afternoon when I went to the office, I walked through the reserve.  I haven’t walked there for a while.  Things are beginning to green up a bit in the reserve now.

Banana tree and fruit

Tree ferns and new fronds

Looking down from the path into the greenery

Pukeko greeting me from the foot path

As I sat in a doctor’s waiting room, I noticed the dress this lady wore.  It took me
back to my East High School days when Kay was Principal.  I would have been right
in style wearing  this leopard print outfit.  I would have been an East High Leopard in style!!!

I know that the Savior lives and that He loves each of us.  We often don’t know why or understand the things that we are called to endure but it is part of a greater plan.  Our trials give us opportunity to grow in faith and humility.  

May the Lord bless each of you with the things that will help you to grow closer to the Lord.

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.

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