Monday, November 16, 2015

And did I mention CHOCOLATE!!

I'm still trying to learn how things work here, but it seems that there are zone training meetings about once a month.  I like to go to as many as I can because it gives me the opportunity to chat with and to get to know the missionaries a little better.  I also like to present a message concerning their health. I attended three zone meetings this week.

I chose to talk about how our health can affect every aspect of our lives from play, to work, to socialization, to being happy, to teaching the Gospel, etc. Illness is a reality of life, but in spite of that, our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy.  In 2 Nephi 2:25 it states that "Men are that they may have joy."

The Lord has affirmed this by providing us with revealed instructions concerning our health, which if followed, will increase both the length of our lives and our joy in it.  The most familiar of these scriptures is the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants.  We all know the Word of Wisdom as the should and should not of healthy living.

In my little talk, I go into it a little more and discuss some of the good things we should eat and how to be clean in both our bodies and our homes.  I talked about proper rest and exercise and taking advantage of modern technology that gives us medication and vaccines (Yes. I'm still pushing for flu vaccine injections.) to help us get healthy and to stay healthy.

In the 59th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, it says that the foods of the earth are "to be used, with judgment, not to excess."  So I talk a little about not over-eating and obesity.  On this particular matter, I think the lesson was addressed to the teacher.  I reviewed the points that will help maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle.

I think they liked it.  I ended with the Sister Petersen 6 food groups:

1.    Fruits and vegetables.
2.    Chocolate
3.    Dairy products and good quality protein
4.    Chocolate
5.    Whole grains
6.    And did I mention CHOCOLATE!!

They all know by now that I like chocolate.  I have teased everyone about the health benefits of dark chocolate such as it is a good source of magnesium and will elevate your mood and make you feel happy.  So whenever I see the elders that live in my neighborhood their first comment is always "Hello Sister Petersen.  I'm feeling a little low in magnesium today." I have spoiled them in that I try to have chocolate on hand, and I usually do, unless I myself, have been low on magnesium.

My cache of magnesium. It's not dark but it will do in a pinch.
I have had the usual number of calls and the missionaries who need my help this week but it is rewarding to me when I follow up with them and they express so much gratitude for my help.  Mostly they just need to know they are loved.  (I think I've said that before.)  I've acquired quite a number of grandchildren here.

One of the meetings I attended was in Flushing.  It is an area of ethnic diversity as is all of the city of New York.  The newest large group is Chinese and Oriental.  There are about 10 communities in the area where Chinese live.  I've been told that the Chinese area in Manhattan is declining and people are moving to Flushing.  I Googled that and found that Flushing has the largest Chinese population in the whole area.  In the 2013 census, Flushing had a Chinese population of 208,897.  Brooklyn had 195,750.  Manhattan had 97,461 with a total in the greater New York City area of 522,619.  I wish I had taken more time to explore the area and maybe eat there but I had other obligations waiting for me. Next time.

 I also attended a meeting out in Terryville, a little more than an hour drive out onto Long Island.  The air was crisp and the sky blue.  The trees are still beautiful but I saw more bare branches than the last time I was there.  There are some Savers stores out there and I saw a Fresh Market.  Parking lots everywhere! Ok! No parking lot rant today.   I wanted to go to a Savers to see if I could find some inexpensive wall décor for my apt. I put the address into Joan (my GPS). and we went on our merry way.  She led me astray.  She took me to a bar!!  Don't know where that came from.  Since I didn't have time to find another store, I will have to save Savers for next time I'm on the island.

Since I know that I have ancestors from New York, I wondered if Terryville might have connections to my Terry family.  I couldn't find any history on Google that would confirm that but it was fun to think that perhaps it did.  I think there is a Terryville Museum so if I can arrange the time next time I go out there, I want to go to the museum and find out about the history of the area.

The zone leaders in Terryville did an amazing job of inviting the Spirit to the meeting.  They started it with a video about the Savior, the sacrament, and the atonement.  I was tearful, but then we sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic and that always makes me cry.  Needless to say, I had a difficult time with my presentation.  I left out the humor because I didn't want to destroy the Spirit there.  My testimony always grows when I am reminded of the love of the Savior, his atonement for my sins, sorrows, trials, illnesses, and all cares, and the importance of the sacrament in always remembering Him and wanting Him to be near to me.

How blessed we are to have the Gospel restored.  Having a living prophet and scriptures to teach and guide us is a wonderful gift from our loving Father in Heaven.

I love you my family and friends

My living room wall with my family pics. Loving it!!
This pic hangs over my computer. I love and miss these 12 beautiful people. They keep me company while I work.
 I miss Zupas. Had to make my own salad.
Two of my sweet missionaries.

Sister Hawkins by me and Sister Christensen taking the pic.
We pigged out at Smashburger.

Had lunch at Panera one day. Saw these bear claws and it reminded me of the trip that Jim took Kay and me on to Key West.
We stopped at every Panera we saw so Kay could get a bear claw. He wasn't eating much by then but he craved a bear claw.
I saw this worker in a grocery store. I have never seen dreads like this. It was all I could do to keep myself from going over and pulling on it. I asked a woman who helps in the mission about it and she said her husband had dreads that long before he joined the church.
 I saw this pic on the net. It is such a beautiful color. I could almost smell this rose. Had to share
Much of the iron work on houses around here is like this. It looks like stainless steel.
There is also a lot of black and white iron work but I like this stainless look.

This is a building in Richmond Hill that I like. It is interesting to me

Long Islsnd

One of our morning walks.
Rainy day in Rego Park.


  1. I love your bit about the need for chocolate! I think I need some.... I also like Terryville. I hope you find a connection. Good luck.

  2. I love this and I love you!!
