Monday, October 5, 2020

I love my life!

Sister Vea.   We both got the “wear black and white” to Zone Conference message LOL

This week has been fairly quiet and laid back.  There have been few illnesses or injuries (thank the Lord) and I only had one missionary to accompany to a dental appointment.  However, it has not been totally without challenges.

We had a zone conference in South Auckland on Tuesday and a second zone conference on the North Shore in Takapuna on Thursday.  


As you know from previous posts, I do a presentation on some principle of health at zone conferences.  This time I chose to talk about injuries, particularly to back, neck, knees and ankles and the treatment of those injuries.

Most of the injuries missionaries receive to the mentioned body parts are due to preparation day activities.  Playing basketball or touch rugby/football account for many knee and ankle injuries as well as jammed fingers and shoulder problems.  

Service projects such as helping people move or work in fields also brings pain and injury.

I talked about prevention of injuries by being wise in the way games are played and by not being too competitive but to just have fun and get exercise at the same time.   I encouraged them to warm up and to stretch before playing and to cool down and stretch out after playing.  They should clear fields of rocks and debris and watch out for holes.

They should exercise daily to build strength to help stabilize joints and to build endurance.  Many injuries occur due to fatigue.  They should stop when they get tired or when/if they are injured.  Many feel that they need to continue to play so as not to appear weak.

When lifting heavy objects, they should use large thigh muscles to help lift and to use moving dollies when available.

Treatment is essentially the same for all of the injuries initially.  RICE is the first thing to do.  

R= Rest.  

I= Ice.  Apply ice to the injured area ASAP

C= Compression.  For joints like the ankle, a compression wrap helps to control swelling.

E= Elevation.  Elevate the injured joint above the heart to help stop swelling.  Whenever sitting, the limb should be elevated.

To take 3 Ibuprofen twice a day with food and a large glass of water to help reduce inflammation.

I went on with more but I think you get the message.

The beach has been spectacular this week.

One morning as I walked to the beach, I was a little later in the day than normal.  I met a man on the footpath coming from the beach with his dog.  He stopped me by pointing to my missionary badge.  He told me that he was most impressed with the young people of our church.

He told me that a few years ago he had viral pneumonia.  He was so sick that he should have been in the hospital but he chose to stay at home.  For several weeks he was weak and unable to get out of his home.  One day two young men knocked on his door.  He opened it to them.  

One of them said:  “You don’t look well.  Do you need help?”

He invited them in and they sat and talked to him for 20 minutes.  He reported that they came back every other day and kept him company for 20-30 minutes each day until he was well.  He greatly appreciated their care.  He couldn’t believe that two young men would care about someone the way those boys did.

Spring and the flowers and trees are also gorgeous.

The top pic was taken 2 weeks ago.  My how the wisteria has blossomed!

The salmon here is out of this world delicious.  It is fresh and not farmed.
The filets are thick and I have discovered a slow roast oven method of cooking
that keeps the filet moist and tender.  I never really liked fish that much but
I am a convert to New Zealand salmon!

Thought I would share one of the ways that the COVID-19 virus has been quickly controlled here.  Everyone or maybe I should say most people have an app on their phones that is used to scan a sign when they go into a public building.  Every public place, including churches, has a sign on the door that looks like this:

The app in my phone records my visit and I am connected somewhere with my phone number.  If someone gets COVID who has been in this facility as the same time as I was there, I would be contacted and asked to self-isolate and to be tested.  

The schools here are closed for a 2 week school holiday.  There were
notices on social media, etc reminding people to track their movements about
the country to keep the virus under control.  I appreciate that everyone cooperates
and that it is safe here from COVID.

It has been a blessing to watch General Conference this weekend and to learn from our prophets and leaders.  I am blessed to have a living prophet on the earth today.

When I was younger, I would hear about and read in the scriptures about the terrible things that would happen at the last days such as earthquakes, fires, tempests, wickedness, wars, etc.  I was so frightened.  I could not think about it without great terror.

I still don’t like to think about it but I know now that if I listen to the prophet and follow his instructions, I will be led in the way that I will be protected and that I need not fear.

In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord said:

For behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye have received a commandment for a law unto my church, through him whom I have appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations from my hand.

And this ye shall know assuredly—that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he be taken, if he abide in me.[D&C 43:2–3]

God’s prophet is the Lord’s mouthpiece. He gives us direction and guidance.

Again, what a blessing it is to know that a prophet of God is on the earth today. On April 6, 1830, the Church was organized, and Joseph Smith was called as the prophet. That day the Lord gave a revelation to the Church directing them to follow the prophet. In section 21 of the Doctrine and Covenants we read:

Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;

For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith. [D&C 21:4–5]

After the Lord gave the Saints the commandment to follow the prophet in patience and faith, He listed the promised blessings we will receive if we keep that commandment. Continuing on in section 21, the Lord said:

For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory. [D&C 21:6]

I know that there is no need to fear. The Lord tells us in section 38 of the Doctrine and Covenants, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (D&C 38:30). President Nelson is encouraging us to be prepared, both spiritually and temporally, so that we might receive all the blessings Heavenly Father has in store for His children.

I am so blessed to live in this day and this age and to have a living prophet to guide me. I bear testimony that President Russell M Nelson is the Lord’s prophet on the earth today. I pray that we will have faith to heed his words and follow the prophet, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I love my Savior.  I love you my family and friends.

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