Monday, March 23, 2020

“…whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials…”

The full scripture found in Alma 36:3 reads:  “For I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.”

I know that even with all of the fear and uncertainty in the world today, there is one sure thing that we can count on:  Our Heavenly Father loves us and has given us the opportunity to come to this earth to learn and to grow.  As we experience the trials of health, economics, isolation just to name a few, we can grow in faith and trust as we conquer our challenges by staying close to our Savior and living in a way we can receive guidance from the Holy Ghost.

In my studies this week I chose to read a talk by Elder David A Bednar given in April 2015:  Therefore They Hushed Their Fears

In this talk he compares worldly fear that creates alarm and anxiety with godly fear which is a source of peace, assurance, and confidence. Elder Bednar says:
“Correct knowledge of and faith in the Lord empower us to hush our fears because Jesus Christ is the only source of enduring peace. 
The peace Christ gives allows us to view mortality through the precious perspective of eternity and supplies a spiritual settledness (see Colossians 1:23) that helps us maintain a consistent focus on our heavenly destination. Thus, we can be blessed to hush our fears because His doctrine provides purpose and direction in all aspects of our lives. His ordinances and covenants fortify and comfort in times both good and bad. And His priesthood authority gives assurance that the things that matter most can endure both in time and in eternity. 
But can we hush the fears that so easily and frequently beset us in our contemporary world? The answer to this question is an unequivocal yes. Three basic principles are central to receiving this blessing in our lives: (1) look to Christ, (2) build upon the foundation of Christ, and (3) press forward with faith in Christ.”
When I was a teenager studying in seminary, and I must confess even as an adult, I skipped over those scriptures that talked about the “last days” with descriptions of eathquakes, floods, darkened sun and moon and stars falling from the heavens.  It gave me such angst that I couldn’t dwell on it.  I still don’t like to think about it deeply but now my testimony and faith are stronger.  I know my Savior and the depth of His love and grace.  I have hope for the future.  I know that we will get through these times and emerge stronger than ever.  By relying on one another, we can draw closer to the Savior and care for each other as He would care for us were He in our midst.  I love my Savior.

I have mostly stayed in my flat this week.  I did venture out on Tuesday to take a sister missionary to stay with the sister training leaders until she flew home on Wednesday.  I coerced the three into going to lunch with me.  The departing sister chose the place, a Mexican restaurant.  It was not exactly tacos as I know them but it was good.  They even served horchata!!  Fun day.

Sisters Aresgado, Stone and Kulihaapai

Because all of my family members at home are staying in as well, the family meals and get togethers aren’t happening.   With Jim’s help, we have done “family” conference calls.  What a joy for me to be able to talk to so many people at once.

Wednesday we had a representation from each family.  And of course, we got a little silly with lots of giggling and good times.   Kristin and Alan didn’t quite get in to this conversation due to technical difficulties but Jim FaceTimed Kristin and Alan so we talked to them through Jim’s phone for a few minutes.

BTW, while I’m thinking about it - Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone.  I’m a little belated but still sent with good luck wishes.

Friday we did a smaller version of family phone time using our iPhones this time instead of Messenger.

I have spent a lot of time on the phone this week.  I am trying to arrange flu vaccinations for our missionaries in April.  Sister Packard is helping me with a clinic in the south part of Auckland.  I am working with one here in Takapuna and another in Northland.  (I think I already mentioned this last week but I’m getting old and old people repeat themselves.)  Now that we aren’t having zone conferences I will need to work out another method of getting this accomplished.  Before the ban on large gatherings, the clinics were scheduled to send nurses to administer the vaccine during the zone conference lunch time.

Also had quite a few colds, flu, stomach virus, rashes, etc calls but not any accident calls as the missionaries are not gathering to play sports on p-day so much.

The Prime Minister made an announcement Saturday afternoon requesting that people 70 and over remain in their flats. Since I fall well within this “70” category, I am following that request as much as possible.

Now having stated that I am following that request…  Saturday evening the senior office missionaries got together to discuss how to conduct mission business within the restrictions being given. We also included in that meeting a drive to a nearby beach where there had been scheduled a sand art festival. The festival was canceled but the organizers of the festival were in town so they went ahead and made a really cool work of sand art.

After viewing the beach area, with social distancing, we went into a restaurant that was empty of customers.  We had an enjoyable dinner.

I ate Thai beef salad.

The couples Lewis, Wright and Packard

Sunday I met with Sisters Bunker and Lucas, and Elder and Sister Mayberry for Sacrament and then we discussed Jacob 5.

I was blessed with another phone party with family that afternoon.

Monday I changed the sheets on my bed and did some laundry.  My cupboards and refrigerator are full.

I am blessed with all of the necessities of life!

I send my thoughts of love and happiness to all of you.  Don’t give up hope!!  This too shall pass.
I love my Savior.  I love you my family and friends.

This picture hangs on my wall.  It makes me happy to look at it and remember these sweet friends.
One in Heaven and one at home in Sandy.

My family and friends have been worried about me and often inquire as to my well-being.  The missionaries as well have called and reminded me to be careful.  I have received several texts and calls but this one is especially appreciated!  They had sent me a picture of the food supplies that they had in their flat.  I responded that now I would know where to go when my food supplies dwindled.  This was our text messaging. I love this opportunity to be with these cute missionaries!!

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