Monday, September 2, 2024

Great memories of my week

This has been a week with new beginnings and winding down days of my mission. It has also been fairly quiet as it is transfers next week and traditionally, there are not many “sick calls” the week before transfers. 

Our new nurse arrived on Tuesday evening. We have worked together this week and become acquainted with each other. Sister Caras will be a wonderful health advisor/nurse. The missionaries are going to love her. 

I have enjoyed several meals with missionaries this week to celebrate our friendship and service together but I didn’t get pictures each time so here are the few I did get.

Wednesday Thai food with Elders Stockman and Wright

Friday lunch Texas Roadhouse with Sister Palmer, Elders Houser, Peatross, Hawkins, King, Sisters Caras and White

Elders Baker and Ludwig

I’ve enjoyed the beauty around me this week. Monday Sisters Palmer and White walked with me on the prairie where we ran into the heron down in a bog and enjoyed the glorious sunrise.

Tuesday Sister Barker walked with me at the prairie 

Sister Barker shared her video 

I tried to capture how spectacular the clouds and sunrise was but nothing works like the lens of one’s eye

Wednesday I walked with Sister and Elder Crump by the river to check out the rose garden. The blooms are dwindling and fading but nonetheless beautiful! We did run into some turkey friends in the garden

I walked at the prairie again and the river to fill out my days. Saturday I walked in my neighborhood because I slept in a little and had things to do later so I didn’t take the time to drive somewhere. If I had walked somewhere else, I would have missed this pair of deer. As soon as I saw them I stopped and got my phone out. I think that the doe thought I had food or something as she walked right up to me. I could have touched her nose with no difficulty. The buck was more cautious.

Saturday morning after my walk, I went with my friend Diana, to pick plums and tomatoes at the home of one of her friends. We then went to lunch at an Asian buffet. Then our travels took us to Costco, US Chef Store, the Willamette Temple site to see the progress being made and finally to Harbor Freight. We stopped at a couple of garage sales along the way too, so it was a fun day. 

I got home and finished my weekly report before going to dinner at The Dough Company for calzones with Sisters Caras, Palmer and White. It was so hot in the eatery that my brain died and I didn’t get a picture. Sister Caras took care of the heat exhaustion by treating us to a blizzard at DQ. 

Sunday morning I loved the clouds from my back deck at my apartment.

In the afternoon, I attended a baptism in my ward.

That evening I had beef stew with cornbread with Sister Caras, Elder and Sister Crump and Elder and Sister Cammack. It was a good time for all of us to get to know Sister Caras better.

This week my thoughts have leaned toward gratitude for the many blessing I enjoy. I realize that EVERYTHING I have and enjoy are gifts from a loving Father in Heaven. Even the struggles I’ve had and the challenges that come my way are gifts that help me to grow and learn. I know that I am loved and I know that our Father in Heaven loves each of you too.

I love my Savior

I love you my family and friends.

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