Monday, September 16, 2024

My homeward journey and release

Monday morning I began the road trip home with my granddaughter, Cicilee, leaving my mission and Eugene. Saying goodbye is never easy. It was even a little hard to say goodbye to my apartment and the beautiful green trees.

Elder and Sister Crump came to say goodbye.

We stopped by the office to say goodbye there. Sisters Barker and Caras were there but I can’t find the picture that we took.

Sister Palmer messaged me to find out if I would stop in Reedsport on my way south to give final hugs. Since it was their preparation day, they were in North Bend so I managed to find all of the sisters in the Coos Bay zone and we had a little treat before hugs and goodbyes: Sisters Johnson, Brant, Palmer, Boulter, and Jeffords.

We weren’t sure how far we would feel like driving but we made it to Gold Beach which is just over four hours from Eugene. We got into our room and headed straight for the beach.

Tuesday morning it was misty/foggy as we headed south. 

Our destination for the day was San Francisco. We took a detour through the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park which brought us back to US101 at Crescent City, CA. 

Along the route we saw a lot of elk. Cicilee jumped out and got WAY TO CLOSE to this big guy!

Cicilee had never crossed the Golden Gate before so that was exciting for her.

After checking into our hotel and getting our car situated in a parking garage, we went to Pier 39 and had a yummy pizza for dinner and walked around window shopping.

Wednesday morning we took a tour of Alcatraz Island.

In this picture it is a little difficult to see because of the towel but under the sink a prisoner took of the ventilation grate and enlarged the hole and made an escape.

The prison closed 21 March 1963. Here you see the entrance to the dining room with the menu above the bars. Also I’ve included pictures of the kitchen.

Outside the prison walls. It was September 11 so the flags were all at half-mast.

Returning to the mainland, we walked around Pier 39 again and then to Pier 33 enjoying the sites and sounds.

I ALWAYS obey the speed limit

We walked through a nice park toward Ghirardelli Square and talked to some older ladies sitting on a bench. We asked them about a good place for lunch and they recommended a restaurant in the square that had delicious soup dumplings, Palette Tea House Restaurant. Cicilee had seen a review earlier when we were looking for a place to have lunch so we followed the advice we received and enjoyed soup dumplings, honey walnut shrimp, and pot stickers. YUM!!

Of course we were much too close to chocolate to pass up an opportunity for a sundae. 

We loved our short stay in San Francisco but had the need to move on so we drove to Reno where we stayed the night. My son-in-law, Alan Aagard, is working a job there right now so we met up with him for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I had a delicious shredded pork enchilada. It was unusual in that it didn’t have the traditional enchilada sauce but was topped with salsa cruda, crema, and guacamole. I would do it again for certain it was so good. It will be a new enchilada recipe that I will make for my family.

Cicilee had to be back to work on Friday morning at 5:00 AM, so we left Reno bright and early in order to get back to Sandy early enough that she could get a good rest. The desert sunrise and clouds were beautiful and the sage brush was blooming or at least it looked yellow like it was blooming along the roadside.

When I arrived home, I got a kiss and hug from our new English mastiff puppy, Luna. 

As many of my family that could, came for pizza dinner that evening. So wonderful to see my family again.

Friday morning I got up early for my walk. I really like walking the Porter Rockwell trail in Draper UT, close to my home. It is certainly not the river nor the prairie but nonetheless beautiful. The sunflowers and mountains gave me a warm welcome. Seeing the Draper Temple on the mountain side was also welcome. 

I only spotted one critter. 

I met with my stake president Friday at 5:00 and was officially released from my mission assignment. Ending a mission is never easy. I will miss the spirit one feels when in the mission field, the friends I have made, and the opportunity to serve and help others. I will continue to look for opportunities to serve here at home. 

Friday for dinner, I took my daughter, Deanne, and her family to celebrate Deanne’s birthday. She chose sushi which would have been my choice too. SO GOOD!!!

Saturday morning I was back on the Porter Rockwell trail again. At Draper Park, by the head of the trail, they were setting up for an international arts and crafts fair. The food trucks were there as well, so I had lunch at the food trucks. I had street tacos. 

It is impossible to be in two places at once. I miss the mission but I’m so happy to be with my family. I have truly enjoyed the days with them and being at home.

My bishop asked me this morning at church if I would give my mission report next Sunday, so I will be speaking in my ward September 22 at 9:00 Utah time (mountain time). If anyone would like the link, let me know.

I love this beautiful world.

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends

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