Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A beautiful world, MLC, and Interviews

I just can’t get enough of the flowers, sky, and beautiful world that I get to enjoy every day! This week has been no exception.

Tuesday morning I walked with Sister Barker and Elder and Sister Crump at the prairie. 

The flowers along the path are striking. The yellow common madia and the white wild carrot or Queen Anne’s Lace line the path. There are a few purple/bluish chicory as well. 

The grasses and trees make it a gorgeous walk.

The heron are always a welcome sight. We play the Where’s Waldo game as we watch for our “Waldo” friends.

The sunrise on the prairie this week was spectacular!

The river walk is beautiful in its own way. The walk through the rose garden never fails to delight.

We saw wild turkeys in several locations. 

There are two or two community gardens along the way.

Mushrooms dotting the bank.

The morning sun’s rays cause the water to sparkle.

Wednesday was MLC (Mission Leadership Conference). I helped a little with the lunch that was served but mostly enjoyed visiting with the 70ish missionaries in attendance.

Thursday was interview day for the Santa Clara Zone. Sister Cornelius had waffles again for the missionaries to enjoy while waiting for their time with President Cornelius. It is a blessing to be able to watch these young people create works of art and also to show off their whipped cream eating skills! 

Elder Baker

Sister White

The zone leaders have a role play session with each companionship to help them build teaching skills.

Friday we drove to Corvallis for interviews.

Elder Peterson and his whipped cream abilities on display. 

Sister Cornelius, Elders McIntyre, Peterson, Merrill, Fullmer, and Toone

Role play with the zone leaders, Elders Peterson and Toone, and Elders Tachiki and McIntyre

Elder Fullmer

Sister Boulter

That evening, President and Sister Cornelius provided a meal of smoked brisket, potatoes au gratin, and cole slaw for the stake and ward leaders to help them to learn ways to better help the missionaries with their work and to build a good working relationship. The stake provided dessert. There were over 80 people in attendance.

It was a long day but enjoyable and worth every minute.

Saturday, I hosted dinner for Elder and Sister Barker and Elder and Sister Crump. Elders Petersen and Trotter also joined us. Elder Barker cooked burgers on a little grill that my predecessor left for me. Sister Barker brought chips and burger toppings. Elder and Sister Crump brought potato salad and corn on the cob. I had condiments. It was such a enjoyable meal and time with friends that I neglected to get pictures but I hope you can visualize it in your mind.

My mission will be coming to an end all too soon in just 4 short weeks. As I mourn the end, it is also a joy to look forward to being with my family and friends. It is a gift to me to be able to serve a mission. It brings me happiness and helps me feel closer to my Savior. I feel his love and guidance and influence in my life always but especially in the mission field.

My cousin, Steve Bailey, writes poetry and shares it with me occasionally. This week he sent a poem that touched me as I contemplated the end of my mission and love of the Savior I feel as I serve. 

The Love Of Our Savior (Copyright)

As we grow in the gospel and become more like the Savior,
we can see His Atoning Love for God’s children.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the eyes of a newborn child
and in the arms and the warmth of its new parents.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the struggles of the elderly
by those who minister to their needs.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the labors and hard work of
our pioneers who carved out and settled this land.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the inspired documents
of the founding fathers of this great country.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the knowledge
and technology given to inventors that make our
lives and the spreading of His Gospel easier.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the beauties of the earth,
for God needed a beautiful place for His children to live and grow.

The love of our Savior can be seen through each of us, as we give of
ourselves by ministering to the down-trodden and those in need.

The love of our Savior can be seen and felt by everyone if we
but ask of Him and look for His Atoning Love.

The love of our Savior can be seen in the lives of those who follow
and do their best to minister to others as they
strive to become like Him.

For sharing the gospel and ministering to the needs of others,
is the true love of our Savior.
By Steve Bailey

 I love my Savior

I love you my family and friends.


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