Monday, August 12, 2024

Zone Conferences and Interviews and much enjoyment

Walking with my sister, Sister Barker, along the river we stopped to get a picture with the chrome heron. In this picture of the heron alone, it appears that the clouds are catching him in flight!  The clouds look to me like a big bird with wings spread.

We also walked along the prairie path this week enjoying the flowers before they are gone and the gorgeous sunrise.

Tuesday was zone conference in Medford.   Took advantage to get as many pictures with missionaries as possible since my mission will end in just a few short weeks.

Sister Lunt

Sister Weeks

Sister Sterzer

Sister Roskelley

Sister Bean

Sister Chatwin

Sister Kukahiko

Sister Sorenson

Elders Steenblik and Montague

Wednesday was interviews in Grants Pass.  

Waiting for an interview

Elder Nilson. When I looked at the picture, it seemed to me that we look like we could be related since our faces have a similar shape.  We did a “relatives around me” search and sure enough, we are 4th cousins twice removed.

Elders Thorson and Nilson

Sisters Bullock and Hunt

There are several wild fires in the area.  There was a lot of smoke in the air on our way back to Eugene.  You can see in the pictures that the mountains in the distance are hazy and not clear.  The pictures don’t really show the smokiness well.

Thursday was zone conference in Eugene.   On my way out of my apartment to go to the conference, I was greeted by a lovely lady across the green.

Lunch break.There were about 100 missionaries at each conference.

Sister Zollinger. A lot of activity in the parking lot after conference as cars were being inspected

Friday I went to Corvallis with Sister Barker to finalize rental of an apartment.  (She is over housing.)  We took boxes and supplies for the sisters to move from one apartment to the newer one.   There are 6 sisters in Corvallis so we invited them to lunch with us at Panera.  Fun!!

Sisters McKee and Blackham

Sisters Boulter and Eubanks

Sisters McKone and Lefler

That evening after we returned to Eugene and Elder Barker finished his work at the office, the three of us went to Junction City about 25 minutes north of Eugene for the Scandinavian Festival.  There were booths where you could buy souvenirs and lots of people in native dress.

There was a program with music and dance

We at a delicious meat pie with beef, potatoes, and cheese filling.  A Finnish funnel cake and a Swedish aebleskiver

Saturday afternoon, Sister Barker and I drove south about 40 minutes to Cottage Grove to inspect an apartment there.  We took the sisters to lunch at a Mexican restaurant but we were all so hungry that we forgot to get pictures.   I did get a picture of some beautiful orange cornflowers outside their apartment while we waited for them to return from a lesson.

It has been a very busy week with a lot of travel but worth every minute and mile!!

My brother, John, sent me a warning that I thought I should share with you.  Take it for what it is worth.

Hope you enjoyed the giggle.  I am grateful for humor in my life.  I’m sure that our Father in Heaven must have a sense of humor too.  What would life be like if we couldn’t laugh!

I pray that you will have a wonderful week ahead.

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.

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