Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Thankfully I’m healing from my fall

Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days. I worked from the office and prepared papers and interview materials and things for the 24 new arriving missionaries who would come on Wednesday.

Tuesday morning, Sister Felila who had been serving for several months while waiting for her visa, flew out to her assigned mission in Bolivia. She came by the office to pick up her passport and other papers and I was blessed with a goodbye hug.

Wednesday morning, I wasn’t able to help much other than put a few napkins and forks on tables, because of my arm and brace, as we prepared to serve missionaries who would be training this transfer.

The trainees come to the church and have a training session at 10 o’clock in the morning. Sister Cornelius wanted to feed them breakfast so they came early. There were a lot of helping hands in the kitchen to prepare waffles, sausage, and hash brown potatoes.

Then the tables were prepared for the lunch that would be served for the new missionaries who would be arriving. The trainers helped put around napkins and forks and when it was time, brought food to the table. 

Sandwiches, chips, watermelon and cookies were served to the new missionaries

The trainers and we waited about an hour and a half after the training meeting ended because the flight coming in bringing the new missionaries was delayed so they didn’t arrive when we expected them.

After lunch or during lunch, President Cornelius, President Hopkins (first counselor in the mission presidency), and I interviewed each Missionary. I did my usual Health questions in order to get to know them better.

After lunch and interviews, the trainers and their new companions met together for a session of training with President & Sister Cornelius and President & Sister Hopkins. Then they all departed to their assigned destinations.

That evening the 20 departing missionaries met at President & Sister Cornelius’s home for dinner. They were served smoked brisket, scolloped potatoes, coleslaw, fruit salad and chocolate cake with ice cream.

It was a long but wonderful day being with new and departing missionaries.

Thursday I went to Costco for an eye exam so that I could order new glasses as my glasses were scratched badly in my face plant when I fell. So I’ll have new glasses next week.

Thursday, the departing missionaries were taken to the temple by the president and his wife and when they returned, Elder and Sister Crump, Sister Barker, and I had a late lunch, at about 3:30, prepared for them: pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and fruit salad with chips.

Something came up at home and I needed to go home and take care of it because it couldn’t wait until I return in September. I received permission to go back to Utah, so Friday afternoon I left for Sandy. 

Before leaving, however, I went to the orthopedic doctor for a follow up visit. My elbow was x-rayed to make sure that everything was healing properly. Good news! All looks good. I can remove the brace when I’m at home or office and not out moving around. So I only need to wear it at night, when I’m walking or out in a crowd, etc. I’m to do arm exercises to get range of motion going back. It’s been very nice to have the use of my arm again.

When I scheduled my flight to Salt Lake, I didn’t think about the missionaries departing for home on Friday, but it ended up that we were on the same flight. What a joy it was to spend a few more hours with them before they went to their homes. It was really fun to walk through the exit of the airport and see all the families waiting for their missionaries.

I was able to get outside the plane and video them coming off the plane. I missed a couple who didn’t make it out in time, but it was a joy seeing them off.

I got home in time Friday evening to organize a quick dinner. Some of my family were able to come join me. After the meal, we sat out on the lawn and chatted while the kids played in the driveway.

Unfortunately I didn’t get all of us that were together included in the pictures. It was a pleasant evening.

Saturday I was able to spend a little time with family, although I didn’t get pictures.

I went to my home ward for church and Relief Society Sunday morning. It was nice to see friends again.

Some of my family came on Sunday evening for dinner. It was great to see them once more before leaving Monday morning to go back to Eugene.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve and work with our missionaries. I am blessed with a wonderful, loving and supportive family and mission leaders.

I send my love to all.

I love my Savior

I love you my family and friends.

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