Monday, April 13, 2020

How I hear Him

Being in “lock down” has been a wonderful blessing to me.  It has provided me with quiet time to ponder and appreciate the blessings that I have been given.   And as I experienced a spiritually fulfilling conference, I have accepted and pondered the invitation to “hear Him” which was expressed so frequently.  I have thought about the ways I hear Him in my life.  The still small voice whispers to my heart in many ways.

I hear Him in nature as I walk along the beach.  The Savior created all things and when I am in the beauty of His creation, I hear how much He loves me.

When I talk to my family and friends, I know how much the Savior loves me because I hear Him in the voices of my children and grandchildren.

I hear Him in the voices of friends and fellow missionaries.

Katie Fitt and Semie Lee FaceTimed me because Semie was making Dragon’s Beard candy.
This is a favorite treat of mine that I first ate on a trip with Jim in Canada and then again when
I went to South Korea with Katie.  I applaud Semie for the accomplishment!!  Not easy to make in
my estimation although she is doing a superb job!  (Katie and Semie were Korean speaking
missionaries in my mission when I served in NYC.)

On Thursday morning I was invited to join a study group of senior sister missionaries.
They meet via Zoom to discuss Gospel topics.  This week we each gave thoughts from a
conference message that we liked.  I will join them each week as long as I can
unless my regular missionary duties resume.

Music is one of the easiest ways I hear Him.   As an organist, pianist, chorister, choir director, singer I have experienced many touching moments when the Lord has spoken to me through notes and lyrics.  As I sing the Sacrament hymns or Primary songs, I recognize the Spirit whisper that my Savior lives and loves me.  I learn Gospel principles and receive direction through music.

This week I have particularly celebrated the Easter season by listening to music that has spoken to me about the Savior, His Atonement and resurrection.  As a choir director, I used a lot of music written by Sally DeFord.  Here is one of her songs I like, Gethsemane.  It was not written for choirs but as a solo. At this link you can find the lyrics and solo recordings by a female or male singer. 
Another favorite is Gethsemane recorded by 3 year old Claire Ryann

I have so enjoyed feeling the spirit with Primary children through music.  Nothing sweeter than children praising the Lord through music.

I hear Him as I talk to missionaries and listen to their testimonies and experiences they’ve had while spreading the Gospel.  I hear Him when I am helping a missionary with a health problem as I am prompted to give advice that came through me to that missionary at that moment. 

When I attend the Temple, I am reminded of the Plan of Happiness and learn about and hear His guidance and direction that will aid me in returning to His presence. 

This is the Draper Utah Temple near my home.

This is the Salt Lake City Utah Temple where I was married and sealed to my husband
for time and for all eternity on 01 September 1967.

One of my greatest blessings is my Savior’s love and Atonement.  As I partake of the Sacrament and hear Him, I can renew my covenants and remember Him, His sacrifice and resurrection.

My cousin wrote a poem and sent to me as an Easter greeting.  He has given permission to share it with you along with a photograph that he took.

My Eternal Love 
Steve Bailey 2020 
As you have walked through life’s many challenges, 
know that my atoning love has been with you,
as your love has been with me all along the way.
And when your time has come, my love will be with
you, as we walk together in your restored youth,
and I introduce you to your family and friends, 
as we walk the beautiful flower lined paths
of our eternal home.
Know that I am always with you.

In every aspect of my life, I hear Him if I just listen.  I realize that hearing him is a choice I make every day and every second.  It is a learning process and I pray that my ability to hear Him will increase.

As I walked along the beach one day this week, I was drawn to notice the roots of the trees clinging to the sandstone rock cliffs above the beach.  I wondered how they could survive on such a wall.  It is amazing with all of the wind, salt spray, and elements that the trees prosper and thrive.  Made me think about where my roots are growing and to what I am clinging.  Hope through the Savior gives me courage in times of trial.

As I left my flat for a walk one day, I noticed that someone had put this sign on my door.  Appropriate and so true.

It has been an interesting week.  On Wednesday night at 10:33, I was in bed but not asleep yet when the building fire warning and evacuation alarm went off.   I hurriedly dressed and walked across the street to make room for all of us to maintain our safe 2 meter distance from one another as we exited the building. Two fire trucks responded.  We were out of the building for at least 30 minutes.  Always an interesting experience when this happens.  The Shoalhaven residents FaceBook page reported the next morning that it was a faulty smoke detector in one of the stairwells.  Now all of the smoke detectors have been replaced.  Whew!  A disaster avoided! 

You can hear the alarm but you can’t hear the deep booming voice that keeps repeating:
“Evacuate the building at the nearest exit.   Evacuate the building at the nearest exit.”

I was gifted a bag of almond meal by a departing missionary couple.  I couldn’t waste it
so Kristin send me a recipe for Almond Meal Cookies with Chocolate Chips and Coconut.
No flour in it so it would be good for gluten free people.  The cookies were really good.
Good thing it only made a small batch.  Problem is that I have more almond meal left.

Always in the mood for good food.   Posole.


Easter dinner

Gift from a great friend.

Happy to join in prayer and fasting on Good Friday.

I received these types of messages daily from the NZ Government.

The words: “Remember, how we act now will impact our future” in this message applies to many aspects of our lives.

I pray for your good health and safety my family and friends.

I love my Savior.  I love you my family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful testimony. Such inspiration and the uplift I needed today as I read it. Thanks for sharing. Love you, Julia Dee
