Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunny, warm days abound!

Early morning walks have been the best this week.


Monday morning we walked along the river. This fisherman caught my eye as he was casting his long line up the river and watching it float down. We didn’t stop long enough to watch if he caught a fish or not but it was a beautiful sight.


Tuesday and went to the prairie. We saw a lot of blue herons.


Wednesday it was back to the river. Most of the geese babies have grown into teenagers and have their feathers but we found one flock that must have been late as they still had down coats.


We cast long shadows as we crossed the bridge.


Thursday we were back to the prairie. We saw so many herons and some eagles that we had to go back on Friday for a second look.


In the stream you can see an eagle in the water

At the top of the big pine you can see two white heads sitting in a nest

Saturday morning we went south along the river where we again saw a lot of herons.


It has been a great week for walking and enjoying the sights of Mother Nature and the summer.

Tuesday was MLC (Mission Leadership Council). We had all of the zone leaders, sister training leaders, and district leaders in the entire mission for training and lunch. It is fun to help with the lunch because I get to see so many missionaries.


Elder Bogle

Wednesday I was blessed to go to lunch with Sisters Boulter and O’barr. What fun!


Thursday was Santa Clara Zone interviews at the office. It was also the anniversary day for President and Sister Cornelius being mission leaders for a year. The missionaries in the zone decorated their office and brought them a cake.


Friday was interviews in Corvallis. As you can see, we had waffles and fixings. Elders Peterson and Baker once again (repeat of last transfer interviews) got hold of the can of whipped cream…..



Sisters Maile and Blackham
Elders Starley and Kunz

Friday evening Sisters Palmer and Sterzer went to dinner with me at a Chinese food restaurant. Great company.


Saturday Katie and Jeremy, my eldest daughter and her husband, flew into Eugene. I picked them up at the airport and we went to the Dough Co for Calzone. We were all so hungry that we forgot to get a picture. They had an early flight and were exhausted so while they rested for a time, I worked on my weekly report.


We went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant and ate WAY too much food and again, no pictures. Sorry to my foodie friends and family.

Sunday as Katie and I were leaving the chapel, we saw a turkey vulture sitting on the roof of the mission office.  It had rained while we were in Sacrament Meeting and the bird had it's wings spread wide.  It appeared to be drying out after the rain.  It is an ugly faced bird but beautiful at the same time.


Sunday evening, Katie and I drove to Corvallis for the Restoration Devotional. It was a most pleasant evening.   President Cornelius gives a short talk and the missionaries share the story of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth after the death of our Savior through the Prophet Joseph Smith.   It was a spirit filled meeting.

I am grateful for my membership in the restored church and for the gift of the Holy Ghost and for our living prophet on the earth today, President Russell M. Nelson. I love reading and studying the Book of Mormon.  I gain guidance and inspiration as I read and study.

I love my Savior

I love you my family and friends.





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