Monday, May 6, 2024

Hospital, Funeral, Family

Mignon’s daughters: Holly, Kay and Linda. Missed Cary in this group and Art and Mike

My sister-in-law, Mignon Petersen Coombs, left this world to join her eternal companion on April 21. I was blessed to be able to join the family to celebrate her life. It was a beautiful opportunity to remember her life and the support and love and good times I have shared with her and her family.

Snowy mountains of Utah

I was able to stay over the weekend to be with my children and grandchildren. As many as could, came to be with me to share pizza on Saturday evening after the funeral and a Cinco de Mayo dinner Sunday with carne asada and carnitas tacos, salsas of all kinds and quesadillas. Also a cheese cake reminiscent of churros. Yummy food and the best company in the world!

Deer in my neighbors yard in front of their house and in my back yard

It was nice to see my friends in my home ward Sunday morning too.

The missionary in the hospital last week remained there until Thursday.

Looking out the window at the hospital. Love the clouds!

My window seat bed. I really slept quite well.

Hospital garden

The cafe in the hospital has a great salad bar. 

The doctor who helped the missionary overheard me talking to someone about being dangerously close to a a Dairy Queen so on one of his visits, he spoiled me with a blizzard.

The missionary gave me flowers for being so helpful and staying with them through their illness. What a thoughtful person

I was able to return to Eugene Thursday evening for the arrival of the new missionaries on Friday.

Waiting for new companions. Elders Wellock and Scott, President Cornelius, Elders Peart, Toone and Leishman

Sisters Sterzer, Palmer, Weeks and Wenzel

There were only 6 new missionaries this time so I finished my interviews in time to get to the airport and my flight to Salt Lake City. I didn’t get to my home and bed until 2:30 Saturday morning but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I did get one river walk Friday morning. Good to be walking with Sister Barker and Sister and Elder Crump I had missed them and our walks while helping the missionary in the hospital.

The goslings are growing. There are fewer ducks and geese than last year. Hope the population is just visiting elsewhere and not dwindling.

Where’s Waldo? (I’ve named the heron “Waldo” because sometimes he is hard to find)

In my time waiting in airports and flying, and in quiet moments, I have contemplated my life and the lives of those around me. I have come to realize even more that our Father in Heaven knows and loves us. He has a hand in our lives. The missionary I was with in the hospital came to the mission with a severe infection. They didn’t realize they had such a serious condition I can’t go into detail but the missionary had gone to the ER 3 times in 4 months. The first two times they received treatment and antibiotics which only helped temporarily.

This third time to the ER, the doctor on call happened to be a specialist that recognized the problem, performed surgery and a permanent fix for this problem. I do not think this was a coincidence. I know it was an answer to Priesthood blessings and prayers for this missionary.

I recognize this experience as a tender mercy - a miracle.

I love my Savior.

I love you my family and friends.

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