Monday, April 20, 2020

And lock down continues…..

Life continues despite lock down.  I have had few calls from sick missionaries.  I have 1 or 2 calls per day at most and some days with no calls.   Even though logically I know this, I never really contemplated before how much socialization affects the spread of illnesses/viruses.  Since we have been in lock down now going on toward a month, I have had no calls to request treatment for sore throat, cough, congestion, fever, headache, body aches, nausea and vomiting and all that accompanies the common cold and various types of flu. Going into the fall and winter months usually triggers a hailstorm of aforementioned symptoms.  I like lock down for this reason.  Missionaries are staying healthier!

However, with that being said, it will be great when the missionaries can return to normal proselyting and we can gather for zone conferences, etc.  Our mission president has been doing Zoom training sessions every evening but Sunday.  He has done a marvelous job!  I can’t imagine how much time and effort he has put into these presentations.

I have appreciated the peace and quiet for extra study time for myself.  I try to study scriptures and Gospel topics daily but I confess that too often “life” gets hectic and I allow myself to procrastinate.  I read the Book of Mormon daily, even if only a few chapters, but I have not made the effort to prioritize other study opportunities.  Now life is not “hectic” and I have fully enjoyed learning more about so many Gospel topics.

This week studying about King Benjamin in Mosiah 1-3, I have appreciated his thoughts on service and humility.  Sunday, our Sacrament bubble, (Our bubble is the people whom we normally live with in lock down terms.  I don’t “live” with these people but we gather for “church” on Sundays and games or movies on some week nights maintaining social distancing.) met together to partake of the Sacrament administered by Elder Mayberry.  Afterward, Sister Mayberry, Sister Lucas and myself joined in a discussion about humility.  It was a spiritually rewarding experience.

I miss our Sunday congregations but I am really enjoying the small group discussions and sharing of experiences and testimonies.  In our discussion I shared a message about humility that I had read during the week titled “Three Reasons to Develop Humility”.

From the article: “We live in a world of selfies and self-promotion. You don’t have to look beyond your phone to find people highly invested in their own opinions, their own agendas, and their own answers. It’s how we get ahead and it’s only natural, right? But the scriptures teach that “the natural man is an enemy to God” (Mosiah 3:19), so maybe the natural way isn’t the best way. Despite what the world teaches about success, God has provided a different path—it’s called humility.

By the world’s standards, humility is seen as a form of weakness, a giving up of control. However, in the true sense of the word, humility requires strength. It is intentionally offering the only thing we really can control—our will—to God and His plan for our lives.”

I hope that you will read this article and watch the included video to find out why being humble is an attribute we should desire to cultivate.

It has been rainy almost every day this week.  Most days Sister Lucas and I walked, we had light showers and intervals of sunshine.

Tuesday when we walked to the beach, we were caught in a fairly heavy down pour.  I enjoy walking in the rain.

Sister Lucas thinks I’m a little (or maybe a lot) strange because I never wear a coat
or feel the cold.  I guess I am strange because I prefer the cold!!!

One day we managed to get to the beach at low tide without rain at the moment.

We were able to walk along the rocks to an area around the corner at the end of the beach
 that can’t be accessed except at low tide.

The shells and sea life clinging to the rocks attract me.

Saturday, it was dry and sunny.  The beach was so crowded it was like playing dodge-the-people trying to maintain social distancing.

On my way to the beach, I have walked passed this sign on a wall around an apartment complex for weeks but never bothered to look at it.

Some random thoughts and pictures:

Lots of green things in New Zealand.  

I had never thought of eating a kiwi fruit with a spoon but if the fruit is perfectly ripe,
it is a most convenient way to accomplish the task!

Me on my way to the beautician when lock down is over!!!
(I can’t give credit to whomever took this picture because I couldn’t find a credit on FB where I found it.)

My granddaughter, Cicilee, lives in Maryland.  She has a wreath on her front door that is
housing a nest of baby birds.   A little difficult to see but so cute!!!

Coming of Fall leaves.

Looking down over trees into Lake Pupuke near my flat.

Our Yahtzee game night bubble.

Student Volunteer Army helping to safely take groceries, medications, etc to senior citizens
and those who can’t get out during the COVID lock down.  This student service organization
began several years ago after an earthquake in Christchurch.  You can read about it here if you wish.

I enjoy my daily pics, texts, videos, and conversations with family and friends at home.

On Sunday, we had a Terry (my maiden name) family “rezoomion”  (reunion via Zoom).  Between my brother and sister and me, we have 23 families.  We had 18 families join us from Tokyo to all around the USA and of course New Zealand.  Our children shared memories of their grandparents and my siblings and I shared memories of our grandmother along with memories of our parents.   What fun!!

Rory watching deer out of the window at my home in Sandy.

If you zoom in on the sunset pictures you can see 6 deer in the field behind my home.

I feel so blessed in every aspect of my life.  Referring back to my discussion about humility, I want to be humble for all of the reasons discussed in the article but especially for one of the reasons.  “Humility is a form of love, respect, and reverence toward God. As our Father, God gives us commandments and experiences designed specifically for our best good. When we humbly submit to His plan, it is our way of expressing our love for and trust in Him. We may not always understand the plan, but when we respond with humility, we don’t need to.”

For no other reason than to show my love and respect, I pray that I will be able to humbly let my Father in Heaven and my Savior know that I love and appreciate them and all that I have.

I love my Savior.  I love you my family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. You bring light wherever and however you serve. God bless you and keep you safe and well. I send love and prayers.t
