Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving, Departing Missionaries, Helping Anthea, and Food, Food, Food!

I had a good Thanksgiving.  I missed my family but being here is where I need/want to be right now.  I went to our chapel at noon to help with a dinner organized by Brother Galloway, our Gospel Principles teacher.  He is a missionary from the inside out.  The dinner was for people, members or nonmembers, who had nowhere to be for dinner on Thanksgiving.  Brother Galloway cooked two turkeys.  Someone else brought macaroni and cheese and mashed sweet potatoes. There was homemade cranberry sauce with cookies and cake for dessert. 

Cranberry orange cake I took to the Thanksgiving dinner at the church.
Thanksgiving decorations.
I haven't seen powdered sugar in a box for a long time.
Maybe I just haven't noticed because I always get the big bag.
I was at the church until 4:00-ish when all was cleaned up and put away.  As I left, I ran into two of the Spanish speaking missionaries on their way to dinner.  (Almost all zones have a senior couple. Our zone has two senior couples (office workers) and me.  The seniors feed the missionaries who don't get dinner invitations.  The elders asked if I was coming to the dinner with them. I told them no that I had eaten at the church.  They wanted to know what I was going to do.  I told them I was going to my apt to do some work.

About 30 minutes later, I got a call from Sister Prince in an urgent, panicked  voice telling me that I had to hurry and come to their place right away.  I thought maybe I was needed to do the Heimlich maneuver or something. She laughed and told me that I had to come help them eat their dinner because they had too much food.  So I had two dinners, the last a traditional dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes, and everything including pie with my missionary family.  Gotta love 'em!  Enjoyed the company at each dinner.

Elder and Sister Duke
Elders Pena and Messenger
Elders Pothier and Corzo
Elder Messenger wanted a picture of his forehead. Go figure!
My key lime and pumpkin pie.
Enjoying my pie!
Sister and Elder Duke
Sisters Jenkins and Maddox
This was an accidental picture but it is kind of cool. I like it!
Monday and Tuesday this week were a little tearful for me.  As I mentioned last week, the departing sister and elders will leave a little hole in my heart. That hole is being filled with others, but I will still miss these people.  Sister Reynolds, the mission president’s wife, asked me to help at the mission home on Tuesday.  The 15 incoming missionaries came on Monday and spent the night at the home and then were brought to the transfer meeting on Tuesday. After the meeting, the 24 departing missionaries came to spend the night at the home before departing on Wednesday. 

The mission employs a woman to help at the home on these days to cook and clean as Sister Reynolds has other responsibilities on those days.  So I was there to help Anthea who is from Dominica.  That’s an island in the Caribbean.  I thought it was the Dominican Republic but she told me it is a totally different island.  I learn something new every day!  I helped make beds, clean bathrooms, launder towels and sheets, and cook dinner.  Anthea was in charge and I was her “silly sous chef.”  I was really tired when I got home at 10:45.  I’m not used to 14 hour days on my feet.  I’ll not admit to growing older either.

Anthea and the sous chef.
Sister Placheta
This September as John and Peggy drove cross country with me, John told everyone he was taking his old sister to “the home.”  Well John, I finally made it to the home. 

There were few calls on Monday and Tuesday as most of the missionaries were preparing to move from one place to another.  No one had time to be ill.  But I have had calls all the rest of the week.  I do have my reports done and it is only 6:45 P.M. so I think my new method of starting on Monday is going to prove helpful.

I have two new sisters living above me:  Sister Maddox and Sister Jenkins (see picture a little ways above).  I have known Sister Maddox for a while, but I am getting acquainted with Sister Jenkins.  I love being here and being around such vibrant, enthusiastic young people.

On Saturday after I finished my reports, I spoiled myself with a manicure and pedicure.  I stopped at the deli on my way home and chose a meat pie for my dinner.  The man at the counter called it a beef berry pie.  It was reminiscent of a Morrison meat pie.  It was a different shape and the hamburger was spicier but made me think of how much Kay loved Morrison meat pies.  We would go to the factory and buy seconds by the case.  I don’t know if my family liked them as much as their dad liked them, but we all ate them with tomato soup or chili.  Or just ketchup or Sweet Baby Ray.  

My beef berry pie.
I am giving the family home evening lesson on Monday for our senior group.  The others are cooking dinner to give me a rest. (I can’t get them to believe I love to cook and don’t need rests from it.)  I am trying to think of something good to share with them.  I am thinking about the grace and the gifts of God. I watched a video that makes me think a lot about the life I enjoy and the many blessings that have come to me (watch it here). I had good parents and family and a wonderful husband and children and grandchildren.

I also watched a video about a man who has no arms nor legs (watch it here).  He is an exceptional person.  He goes about giving motivational speeches.  I don’t think he is LDS but he loves his Father in Heaven and holds no malice for his lack of extremities. It will take some time to watch these two videos but it is worth every minute.

The Lord does love all of us and wants us to be happy.  Most of all he wants us to return to him.

I love you my family and friends.

Sister Hawkins
My first day at church in October with my new friend.
The person who took this picture just sent it to me.
I received this candy gram for giving them a ride on their P day.
I helped the father of a missionary with some insurance and arrangements for his son to get treatment.
He sent me these dog tags he made as a thank you.
Underneath my name is the mission logo. Very thoughtful man.
There is a deli around the corner from my apt. The owner always seemed a little on the grumpy side.
Maybe he was put off by Peggy, John, and me going there in our garbage bag rain gear the first night we were here.
Anyway, I go there once a week or so to get milk or juice or something I need but don't have time to go to the store.
Monday I went down in the morning to get milk. The owner was in the deli section. I checked out at the register
where his wife was working. As I was leaving, the owner called me back. He said, "Here. I have this for you."
He handed me a little white paper sack. I thought it was a roll or bagel. It was this delicious croissant.
Goes to show you can't judge a person by his exterior.
I had to make this pie. The Devil made me do it. I missed my sweet potato pie
It is so much better than pumpkin.

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