Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ancestors in Kirtland

September 30, 2015

Before leaving Mentor where we stayed last night, we drove to the shore of Lake Erie. It was chilly, raining lightly and windy but was still beautiful.

Park on the shore of Lake Erie
There are squirrels and geese everywhere

Main store room
Checkers game with corn cob pieces
Kitchen in the store
School of the prophets in this room above the store
BedRoom above the store where Emma and Joseph stayed
Storeage room
Water wheel designed to run in shallow water under the saw mill
The saw mill. Lumber was very expensive because locals didn't want
the Mormons to build so the Mormons made their own lumber
Water turned lathe in the wainwright room
Ashe plant
Pot Ashe was made here. The product and by-products were used to make soap, cement, tanning leather, etc. This plant along with the store were owned by Newel and Ann Whitney. They were wealthy converts who were most generous with their money, goods, services, and anything they could give for the church and its members.
Ashe plant
The Inn. A replica of the original which burned down. We found there a list of people who lived in Kirtland.
Our Wilson ancestors who are buried in Nauvoo lived in Kirtland and helped to build
the Temple and were forced to leave with the saints for Missouri.
Whitney Home
Dining area and pantry

Summer kitchen (top)
House kitchen (bottom)

At Kirtland we went to the LDS Visitor Center where we took a tour of some of the buildings around. I'll try to describe them in the pictures.

Rock Creek where members were baptized.

Kirtland was an important area and the time there was important in the growth of the church. Joseph and Emma Smith arrived from New York in 1831. Kirtland represented important organizational and schooling periods of the church.

Key revelations were received in Kirtland. There were visions of God the Father and multiple visions of Jesus Christ. Angels appeared to many and there were visions of ancient prophets. There were manifestations in the temple: Moses, Elijah, and Elias restored keys.

The Temple was built and finished in 1836. In 1838 the saints were driven from Kirtland to Missouri.

Wish I could tell you all we learned there. We were surprised to learn that Bradley and Mary Wilson and family members lived there and worked on the Temple. Bradley Wilson was a mechanic which means he probably was a wood worker and may have helped with the construction of the veils.

Next we went to the Church of Christ Visitors Center where we were able to get a tour of the Temple. The Church of Christ owns the Temple. No pictures are allowed inside the Temple.

After our tour we headed south east toward I-80. The trees are beginning to turn their beautiful fall colors. Pics tomorrow. We are staying tonight in Belfonte, PA. Another wonderful day.

I love you

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